Dr. Arthur Itkin
- Licensed physician and surgeon in Illinois
- Board Certified in Neurology
- Board Certified Fellow of American Board of Electrodiagnostic Medicine
- One of Chicago Magazine’s Top Doctors of 2021 for Neurology
Professional Experience
Dr. Arthur Itkin has practiced neurology in the Chicago area since 1994, both as a partner in a private practice group and a faculty attending physician at Christ Hospital Oak Lawn and Little Company of Mary Hospital. He is one of Chicago’s leading experts on multiple sclerosis treatment, neurologic Botox injections and headache management.
Dr. Itkin built one of the largest comprehensive multiple sclerosis centers in Illinois. The Neurologic Associates, a National MS Society certified comprehensive MS center, is one of the oldest in Chicagoland. The Neurologic Associates manages all aspects of clinical care for over 1000 patients and is one of the leading referral centers for multiple sclerosis in the region.
Dr. Itkin participated in multiple national and international presentations on clinical aspects of multiple sclerosis and is one of the leaders in clinical multiple sclerosis education for training physicians and patients. Dr. Itkin is also on national and international speaker bureaus for biopharmaceuticals companies and an advisor on the topic of multiple sclerosis, and has presented extensively for the past 20 years.
Dr. Itkin is actively involved in academic activities including teaching and lecturing to neurology residents and medical students.
- B.S. in Biochemistry – 1981 – 1985 – University of California at Los Angeles.
- Medical Doctor – 1985 – 1989 – University of Chicago Medical School
- Medical Internship – 1989 – 1990 – Northwestern University
- Residency in Neurology – 1990 – 1993 – University of Chicago Medical School
- Clinical Electrophysiology and Neuromuscular Fellowship – 1993 – 1994 – Loyola University
- Master of Business Administration (MBA/Kellogg) – 1999 – 2001 – Northwestern University
Academic affiliations
- Clinical Assistant Professor of Neurology at the University of Illinois at Chicago
- Director of Multiple Sclerosis Center at Advocate Christ Neuroscience Institute
- Member of the Clinical Advisory Board of National Multiple Sclerosis Society/ Illinois Chapter
Research and Publications
- A. Itkin, M. Fisher: “Vrms/T Quantitation Usefulness in Patients with Neuropathies. Muscle and Nerve 1995; 18: 1398.
- Stroke-Study-Janssen Research -Lubeluzole: Effects of Intravenous Therapy in Subjects with Acute Ischemic Stroke, a Placebo-Controlled, double-blind, randomized multi-center trial. April 1995-March 1996.
- Stroke Study-Janssen Research-, Janssen Protocol LUB_INT 13 “Lubeluzole in Acute Ischemic Stroke Treatment. A double-blind study with an 8-hour inclusion window, comparing 10 mg daily dose of Lubeluzole with Placebo.” June 1996- March 1998.
- Stroke Study-Janssen Research- Janssen Protocol LUBUSA-6: The safety and efficacy of combination therapy using Lubeluzole and Activase (t-PA) in Ischemic Stroke. March 1998-August 1998.
- Stroke Study-Galxo Wellcome-, GLYA 3002: An International, Multi-Center, Randomized, Double-Blind trial in the Treatment of patients with a clinical diagnosis of acute stroke. September 1998-October 1999.
- Stroke Study Interneuron Pharmaceutical, Inc -The Effects of Citicoline on Clinical Outcome and Evolution of Lesion Volume in Human Stroke. September 1998- August 1999.
- Stroke Study-Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical Research Institute, -A Double-Blind, Placebo-controlled, Safety, Efficacy, and Dose Response Trial of Two IV Doses of BMS-204352 in Patients with Acute Stroke. February 2000- October 2000.
- Stroke Study – Ono Pharma Inc., a randomized, double-blinded, placebo controlled, multi-center study of the effects of ono-2506 intravenous infusion on the amelioration of neurologic damage and improvement of stroke assessment scale score in patients with acute ischemic stroke. July 2003 – May 2005.
- Stroke Spasticity Trial – Allergan,. A multi-center, double-blind, placebo- controlled, parallel group safety study of pulmonary function in patients with reduced lung function treated with BOTOX (Botulinum Toxin Type A) purified neurotoxin complex for focal upper limb post-stroke spasticity. Principal Investigator November 2003-March 2009.
- A Randomized, Controlled, Open-Label Parallel Group Study to Evaluate the Effect of Regularly Scheduled Neutralizing Antibody Testing on Treatment Patterns versus Usual Care in High Dose Interferon Treated Subjects – Teva Neuroscience Principal Investigator- November 2006 – April 2009.
- A 24-month double-blind, randomized, multicenter, placebo-controlled, parallel- group study comparing the efficacy and safety of 0.5mg and 1.25mg fingolimod (FTY720) administered orally once daily versus placebo in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis – Novartis Principal Investigator July 2007- 2010.
- JCV Antibody Program in Patients with Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis Receiving or Considering Treatment with Tysabri: STRATIFY – 2 – Biogen Idec, Inc. Sub- Investigator October 2010- Present.
- A 6-month, Randomized, Active Comparator, Open-label, Multi-Center Study to Evaluate Patient Outcomes, Safety and Tolerability of Fingolimod 0.5 mg/day in Patients with Relapsing Forms of Multiple Sclerosis who are candidates for MS therapy change from Previous Disease Modifying Therapy (EPOC) – Novartis Principal Investigator January 2011.
- Safety and Benefits of DMTs in elderly MS population. Open-label, Cooperative investigation. Principal Investigator March 2016-present.
- Natural History and Quality of Life in MS Patients on oral DMTs, an open label, investigator initiated investigation January 2017-present.